Photograph of Ewood Park taken through football net

Newsletter - April 2021

Brockhall Training Centre plans dropped, then we get the European SuperLeague dropped after only 48hours. They will surely be back again reformulated. Suddenly fans of the 'Big' 6 (who knew the PL did comedy?) are complaining about “Invisible Owners and Silent plans”. Rovers supporters have had the ‘silent’ treatment for 10 years, as we gently slip down the football pyramid. BUT where are the Rovers heading post-Covid?
April 30, 2021


We have provisionally booked the 2021 AGM of the Trust for Thursday 24th June at 7pm (venue to be confirmed) in the reasonable hope that gatherings will then be permitted. The AGM will include a discussion on the “Future of Football and the Rovers”. Tim Farron MP, hopefully with his MasterMind Trophy, has been invited to join us as the Guest Speaker. Some 4 years ago the Trust had discussions with Tracy Crouch MP, the newly appointed Chair of an Urgent Fans-Led Football Review.

The Trust has been very active despite all the lockdowns – investigating the Brockhall Plans/taking part in Zoom meetings re this and the ESL proposals. As a member of the Trust you expect us to be vigilant. So this year is the year to nominate yourself or someone else to the Board and an Election process now takes place between now and a week prior to the AGM.

We have work to resume: on the Heritage of the Club; on submissions to the Fans-Led Review; Nationally; on Membership and Crowd-Funding, as well as the mundane things of running a voluntary organisation meeting 9 times per year.

PLEASE PUT YOURSELF FORWARD TO Michael Ellison (Secretary) or to set up a discussion with John Murray\n\nNominations must be received by Michael to to email address provided by no later than Thursday June 17th 2021, one week prior to the AGM. From here we can determine whether an election is required during the AGM or a simple affirmation process (dependent on the number of candidates).\n\nMEMBERSHIP of £10 per year by Pay-Pal is part of being a Community Benefit Society. You need to be a Member to get on the Board but also its a small contribution to our “rainy day fund”. See Join the Rovers Trust - Rovers Trust

MEANWHILE, the Season drifts to an uninspiring and infuriating end. Hope you have stayed well and can start to enjoy Summer.

PLEASE SEND ANY COMMENTS AND VIEWS to We continue to collect views in order to present our views and ideas to the Club and to the Press.

 Photograph of Ewood Park taken through football net

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Photograph of Blackburn Rovers fans in stadium seats

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