Photograph of Ewood Park taken through football net

Trust Seek Dialogue With Footballs Ultimate "Absent" Owners

It is now eight years since the Venkys, the owners of Blackburn Rovers, last stepped foot in Ewood Park.
April 11, 2022

That visit was not even to watch football; it was to host The Queen who was giving out Easter Maundy Thursday monies at Blackburn Cathedral in 2014.

Whilst the Supporters Trust welcome the financial support the Venkys put into Rovers to support the Academy and keep the Club afloat it is an unacceptable situation. A visit was promised this season but has yet to materialise with only two home games left.

At the start of this season the Venkys sent a message to fans stating:

'We know you are keen to know when we will return to Ewood Park and it is something I am personally looking to plan into my schedule this coming season. I am eager to come back to meet the staff, the players and yourselves, our fans.'

View the full letter from Venkys

Rovers Supporters Trust Chair, John Murray said:

'Rovers are the heart and soul of the community. The Club is the glue that brings people together regardless of background, ethnicity or religion; it is the lifeblood of the town of Blackburn and surrounding areas.\n\nWe cannot recall when our owners last visited to watch Rovers play, it must be over 10 years. They are the ultimate forgotten absent owners; not forgotten to Rovers fans but forgotten to the wider footballing community.'

He added:

'Following the Government's Fan Led Review of Football it is Supporter's Trust's who will have a Golden Share, representing the interests of all supporters, and giving them their say on a number of key decisions including sponsorships and ground naming. However we have no idea what is in the minds of our owners, we need urgent dialogue with them to impress on them we have the best interests of Blackburn Rovers at heart.\n\nWhilst at Club level the Senior Management Team are accessible they have to refer all major decisions, including Season Ticket prices, to the owners in India.\n\nWhat we have is not acceptable. We call on the owners to have meaningful face-to-face dialogue with us; we are willing to fly out to India at short notice to meet them to discuss their plans and also our ideas for Blackburn Rovers.'

For further details contact John Murray on 07880 507080

The Trust presently has 650 paid up members. This figure is increasing.

 Photograph of Ewood Park taken through football net

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